Personal document translation

Fast, Simple, Correct

Just select the type of your document and the language of translation.
Then enter your data and get your document in 1 minute correctly translated and formatted.

Translate your document

Why GetXDocs?

Crazy Fast

No more spending hours on the OCR and formatting!

Easy to use

Fill up the form, check, and send = done!


Use GetXDocs together with your teammates


Can't find a document you need? Write us and we'll add it for you

Integration ready

Coming soon: Integrate our service in your apps and websites

Flexible Pricing

Cost-effective packages and flexible subscriptions - pay for what you need

Packages and subscriptions

Discover our cost-effective and flexible translation packages and subscriptions
designed to fit all your needs!


1 document of your choice

Instant translation

Human review on request ($3, +24h delay)

PDF file ready for the certification

Small pack

4 documents of your choice

Instant translation

Human review on request ($3/each, +24h delay)

PDF file ready for the certification

20% discount on each file


25 documents of your choice

Instant translation

Human review on request ($3/each, +24h delay)

PDF file ready for the certification

60% discount

Humster pack

100 documents of your choice

Instant translation*

Human review on request ($3/each, +24h delay)

PDF file ready for the certification

Pay now, Use later

80% discount

GetXDocs: translation of documents for travel around the world. Travel, study, work – let us provide you assistance

Our international team consists of experts in the field of legal translations, competent notaries and specialists in the collection and processing of data using modern technologies. Our specialists have been working in the markets of 10 countries for more than 15 years, such as Spain, Israel, USA, Germany, Russia, France, and Canada.

With the help of GetXDocs, each user can independently translate documents necessary for traveling between countries in 10-15 minutes: for studying abroad, for immigration and relocation, for working in another country, etc. The price for translation of one document starts at $1.

The translated documents are designed according to the world standards and are ready for submission to various authorities or for the notary certification, if required. In the near future we will add additional services to help you with notary certification.

We invite everyone who wants to become the part of the project to cooperate: investors, partners (notaries, lawyers, translators, etc.) and those who just want to share their ideas and suggestions. Together we can build a solution that will help people travel around the world free-and-easy.

If you’d like to become a member of our community, please contact us at

Detailed information for investors.